Saturday, November 11, 2017

These Are Few Of My Favorite...Movies

This post is very hard for me.

Most of my favorite movies are my favorites because of Kevin Spacey.

You all know (or may not) what he has been accused of lately.

Sexual assault, inappropriate behavior, intimidation.

I am having a very hard time reconciling that with the person I have loved and admired for half of my life with perv-boy.

Here are my favorite movies:

1:  Gone With The Wind.
Here is what happened.  In Jr. High (which was at a K-8 school), two lovely, gorgeous, funny, fabulous girls showed up at my school.  I had never seen them before (unusual in our tiny community), and they were super amazing for being unknown and for having the cache of being new.

N...well, N was AMAZING.  She was gorgeous, funny, and she was also a complete GWTW addict.  The first time I saw GWTW was at her house and I was literally transported.  Scarlett O'Hara became my idol, my 'what-not-to-do", and my hero. 

I spent about 6 weeks in front of a mirror to get this right!  OG RBF!!

The movie may be racist, affected, and a whitewash of the Civil War, but -- to me-- it is beautiful, inspiring, and a fabulous form of escapism.  I watch it around this time every year, and it is always fresh, magical, heartbreaking, and transforming.

2.  The Ref.
I was at Blockbuster (GTS, millenials, it was a thing in the 90s), looking for a movie over the Holidays, and I found a cover that made me laugh.  It was The Ref, starring Dennis Leary, but featuring Kevin Spacey.  That movie made SO MUCH sense to me.  It was a funny, fabulous, heartwarming film, and I immediately put KS on my radar.

Merry Fucking Christmas.

3.  Mulan.
Ummmm...I recognize all the ways Disney whitewashed this tale, but 2 things -- Mulan stepping up to say her dad was too old for war and how he proudly limped up to take his conscription --- SOB ---- and then the part where she figures out the test and uses the weights to help her climb the post...SOB, SOB.


This movie is all about perseverance and not accepting limitations, and I love it.

4.  Hurlburly.  Dunno, you just have to GTS.  Hilarious, heartbreaking, sinister, and savage.  This movie resonated with me, and I watch it at least once a year.  I also infected my sister with this movie, and she loves it as much as I do --- and Kevin Spacey is in it.

One of the best movies EVER!!

5.  National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

The gang's all here!!

6.  Pitch Perfect.
See # 5.  Haha.  Seriously, this movie is everything.  Girl Power. Amazing songs. Triumph through adversity.  Geek shows Princess how to win.   I literally watch this movie once per week.

Fat Amy is my Spirit Animal!!

7.  Love Actually.
All my favorite British actors.  Happy endings all around.  Love IS all around.  Enough said.

Also..Hugh Grant -- SWOON!!

8. The Sound Of Music.  Mousy governess snags swoony father of amazing children and they all live happily ever after....SWOON.  Also, THE SONGS!

Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu.

9.  The Usual Suspects.
Again, KEVIN SPACEY.  Also, who is Keyzer Soze?
This is one of the movies I watch every the spring, unlike The Ref or Hurlyburly (which I watch in the fall).  But I now know that Kevin Spacey is a predator??? (maybe, was he drunk?) and also it was directed by Bryan Singer who is a NOTED PEDOPHILE!!!!  UGH!!  How is this a thing?



I love them all...fuck you for judging me!!!


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