I WAS going to blog about "A Place You Want To Live".
I already had most of it mapped out in my head, complete with quaint pics of New England in the Fall and Ryan Gosling without a shirt.
The last couple of days, some women I love very much have been struggling with the men they love.
Today (tonight, whatevs, I had a LOOONG day) I am going to use the prompt "Your Current Relationship Status And How You Feel About It".
I am single AF.
The quintessential spinster.
I have written MANY times about how I need a boyfriend, how I am ready (after a 5 year hiatus) to get back in the dating game, and about various dudes I have identified as a target.
After this week, I am actually pretty stoked about being single, because I literally cannot process how awful people in relationshits can be.
PS - not a typo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I always (with one glaring exception) have had pretty decent relationships. I am pretty chill, I don't get mad when you go to a strip club with the guys, I totally respect 'boys night out', I will wake up 30 minutes before you do to pack you a nutritious lunch, I never say no to sex (except during Shark Week...cuz EW! [side note - Shark Week at Mary's is BJ Week (EW! Sorry, TMI), because I don't feel you should suffer because of my idiosyncrasies]), I am a bad-ass cook, and can discuss a variety of topics in an (extremely) intelligent fashion. I clean up okay, I am a solid 5.5 out of 10 (although my charm and wit will trick you into thinking I am a 7), and I have terrific manners.
I say all of this, not to convince some random sex-god with an Amex Black that a short, stubby chick with a face like the ass-end of a Chevy is a good match (but if it is, holla at your girl!!), but to explain that I honestly feel I am okay enough for someone to want to date.
Tonight I decided I am extremely unqualified to be in a relationship, and I should just accept that I will be living at 101 Spinster Street for the rest of my life.
I literally cannot comprehend how awful people who claim to be 'in love' with someone can be to that person.
Vile name calling.
If that's what it means to be coupled up in this Brave New World, I will take a pass.
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I'll take it!! |
My last relationshit ended 5 years (give or take a week) ago. It was not a good relationship, and I left questioning my judgment in putting up with it as long as I did. The last couple of years, everyone has been ragging on me to bag a dude and couple up. I have to admit, I drank the Kool Aid.
I have been thinking about it myself. How it would be nice to have someone to go to the movies with and make out here and there. How it would be nice to have sex once (or twice-not picky!) a night. How nice it would be to have someone to snuggle with on the couch on rainy Sundays, watching movies and griping about the work week ahead. How nice it would be to be woken up by the Alarm Cock. How nice it would be not to be the 3rd, 5th, or 7th wheel at family gatherings, parties, and events.
I literally cannot fathom putting up with being ignored, disregarded, disrespected, or flat-out insulted (also, MEN, why do you always revert to calling women 'sluts'?? I am kinda slutty myself and it's brought me nothing but fun, so go fuck yourselves), I wouldn't do it for a second...mortgage, kids, or lifestyle be damned.
Basically, what I am saying, in response to today's (unexpected) blog choice is this:
I don't really know if "ROMANTIC LOVE" is biology (perpetuation of the species), a trick brought on by the media (sells tickets to movies, cards and flowers and jewelry - to say nothing of Viagra and booze), or a real thing that changes who you are and elevates you to your highest self (more often than not, I have seen the opposite just lately), I just know that, right now, I am glad I don't have to deal with it.
And that's all I have to say about that.
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