I decided I was going to spend all of the Full Moons in 2021 near a body of water.
I spent the January Full Moon day at Wintler Park.
I had planned on spending the February Full Moon at these totally dope cabins in Stevenson, but was struck with a brain-wave (mild stroke?) to take my sulky teen and the Terrible Twins – Harlow Grey and Weston James – to the beach.
Bad idea.
Westy J. had a major meltdown when he realized he was going to be away from his Mumma – AFTER I spent 20 minutes on the phone with NASA, wrangling his car seat into my vehicle.
We decided to leave him behind and hit the road for Newport to get some Vitamin Sea, check out the tidepools, and visit the Yaquina Lighthouse.
For most of the trip Harlow chattered away in her little magpie voice, frequently entreating me to “Wook, Mimi! Wook at that!!”.
Lexi was continuously hollering at her that Mimi was too busy driving to ‘wook’, and to be quiet, to which Harlow either threatened to call the cops on her, or shoot her dead.
We got to Newport, hit the beach, flew kites, drew things in the sand and watched the waves erase them.
It was gorge.
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Roo and Hoho flying a kite. |
We got to our hotel, got pizza, and then watched the sun set.
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It was gorge.
I woke up at 4am, convinced there was an offshore earthquake and that a tsunami was imminent.
Cursing myself for parking in the underground garage, I noticed the gorgeous full moon sailing over the sea, illuminating the black waves with a slick of white light.
It was gorge.
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swoon |
We got up early, I ate my trash protein bar and drank my Emergen-C while the girls feasted on donuts, fruit, and hot chocolate.
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Breakfast of champions. :( |
We checked out the tide pools while Lexi harangued me about what time we were getting home so she could get online with her gamer friends.
We got to the lighthouse and Harlow immediately threw a tantrum and demanded to be taken home, an idea Lexi fully endorsed.
I threw in the towel and we headed home, never mind my plans to spend the day relaxing in the sunshine on the beach.
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I could have stayed right here the entire day. |
The girls demanded McDonalds for lunch, where I got front-ended in the drive-thru by a thoroughly unrepentant driver who failed to check his rearview mirror before slamming his car into reverse and slamming into my front bumper.
No damage, but the driver – who looked and sounded exactly like the dude who owned Anakin and his mom in the Phantom Menace – tried to tell me it was my fault because my white vehicle reflected the sun into his eyes.
We finally made it to the Heath Residence, at which point Harlow and Lexi got into a brawl over Harlow trying to keep one of Lexi’s toys; one that Lexi was unwilling to part with.
Leaving a screaming toddler, her whining brother behind and getting home to a shit ton of bags that needed to be unpacked, a vehicle that smelled like grease and was full of the detritus of an abortive trip to the coast (sand, McDonalds trash, fruit snack and chip wrappers), I decided that my March Full Moon trip to Stevenson is going to be entirely child-free.
I cannot wait.
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