Alright, fine...
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True, true, true. |
Yesterday, I went to work considerably more dolled up than I have been as of late. Normally, I just put my hair in some random configuration to minimize the puffball nightmare that is engendered by all of the water that keeps coming out of the sky NONSTOP.
I usually wear minimal makeup. Mascara, eyeliner, powder, and some tinted lip gloss.
If I don't wear makeup, I look like a dude.
Which, unless I am wrong about Rufus (I'm never wrong, BTW, my gaydar is spot on...are we even allowed to say gaydar anymore? I feel like I should be allowed to since my GBF is the one that taught me that word in the first place), is not gonna help me.
So, to prep for my inevitable run-in with Rufus, now that he has been identified as prey, I curled my hair, so that my natural curls would not frizz, but just go limp if the evil-sky-faucet opened up over my head. I slapped an extra coat of war paint on my face, spritzed some perfume on, and headed to work.
No Rufus.
This isn't surprising to me in retrospect, because I realized that, although I said I was going to get my Ginger on this year, I never actually asked.
Are you confused?
Here's the deal. So far in 2017, some really bizarre things have been going on in my sparkly little square of the universe. I joined this one group on FB, and we are all kind of working our way through this 30-Day project. It's super fun, and words like 'manifestation' and 'abundance' and very touchy-feely sort of thoughts about the law of attraction are passed around all day, every day.
Clap if you believe in faeries.
I am sure some of you are rolling your eyes and saying, "Oh, it's that 'The Secret' bullcrap, isn't it?".
Yes, yes it is.
I loved The Secret when it came out. I love the idea that we can create our ideal lives through visualization and vision boards and gratitude and intention.
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It's that simple. |
The reason I love it, is that it happens to me all the time, and always has. Over and over in my life, I have asked the universe, God, Charlie the cedar tree (yes, I talked to a tree when I was little. surely, if you know me at all, this does not surprise you), whomever/whatever for certain things, and I got them.
They were always things I really wanted, always things I had really visualized having, and things that I simply felt belonged to me. This has happened with people as well. People I have wanted to meet, or people I admired and wanted to be closer to, etc.
So, with this group, all these magical things keep happening -- so quickly and specifically that it's impossibly to call it serendipity or coincidence.
I can give you one VERY specific instance that occurred a couple of weeks ago. One of my 'things' I have been wanting to work on is my procrastination. I have allllllllll these things I want to do today, but usually end up getting to them tomorrow....or later.
I blame this on Scarlett O'Hara, naturally, but it is still super inconvenient and has cost me time and money and a lot of headaches and hassle.
Anyway, I tried a bunch of little tricks and tips from numerous Google searches, and nothing was working!!!
Super frustrating. I was working out and literally said out loud, "I wish I knew what the answer is to this psychotic procrastination, seriously Mary, this has got to stop" (yes, I talk to myself out loud--all the time. Expert opinion and all that).
I was sipping some post workout warm-lemon-water-with-apple-cider-vinegar, and scrolling through FB (of course), when a link showed up in my news feed.
It was LITERALLY the answer I was looking for. Totally and completely.
This is the link.
It will change your life, seriously. The last 2 weeks have been super productive, personally and professionally, and I have the 'Rolling 9' and the 'First 5' to thank for it. What's even better is, there is a section, which he refers to as "Controlling the Narrative" which is literally exactly what our group was doing, but he takes all of the touchy-feely language out, and explains it so it is straightforward AF. That way, even skeptics like you will have to buy into it.
Seriously, if you have any common sense, you are nodding your head as you read this sentence because you already clicked the link and read that amazing article.
If you haven't read it yet, go do it now before you make me mad!! Here it is again, just in case you are too lazy to scroll back up to it
You will thank me for it I am sure.
I'm totally fine with that, because gratitude = tacos. So if you try the stuff in the article and you feel like you want to thank me, rather than the genius that wrote it....send tacos.
Anyway, I say all this because I realized, that in order to really get the ball rolling on this Ginger-Hunting-Expedition, I should probably use the "Controlling the Narrative" exercise on it , and see if it worked like it did with the coffee, the Subway card, and the rusty nail in the parking lot. That probably doesn't make sense to you, but I will explain it in the blog where I tell you all about my first date with Rufus.
It will make sense then.
Cross your fingers for me, though, it can't hurt!!!
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Okay, so MAYBE the Universe doesn't give me EVERYTHING I ask for ^^, but I'm guessing Eva Mendes' manifesting mojo is better than mine! :) |
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