I carry books in my purse all the time. I read my books in line at the grocery store (because EFF the DIY lanes), at the DMV, any Dr./Dentist/Plastic Surgeon's office. I read while walking---all the time. Having said that, I have only had one brush with a vehicle that made an illegal turn into a parking lot in downtown Vancouver. However, I once had a pigeon shit on my spanking new Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix as I was walking and reading it, the day after it came out.
I LOVE bookstores. Yes, Barnes and Noble is great with their discount aisles, and their AMAZING newspaper and magazine sections, as well as the built-in Starbucks (woo-hoo!). But I love REAL bookstores.....Cameron'sBooks in downtown Portland, Powell's, and Vintage Books in Vancouver.
There is nothing like the smell of a REAL bookstore to make an avid (obsessive) reader get excited.
I say this to you, only because I want you to understand that reading is as necessary to me as showering, having clean clothing, wearing shoes, and being alive.
That is why I find it so hard to comprehend when people tell me, “I don’t have time to read.” How is that even possible? Does not compute, folks. Does. Not. Compute. How does one ‘not have time to read’? I get people not having time to work out, or not having time to nap, but read? Really? I just don’t get it, and every time someone has tried to justify their lack of reading, all I hear is,”Blah, blah, I am a weirdo.”
Judgemental much? Maybe so, but I will tell you right now that the dumbest, most immature, loserific (Yes, I know what that makes me for hooking up with them. Eff off.) a*holes I ever dated did not read.
Chuh! Not effing likely.
Conversely, my most magical, fantastic, fabulous boyfriend ever read all the time and bought me books on a pretty regular basis. We also did all kinds of fun things like travel together, eat in a ton of very good restaurants, hike, swim, etc., etc. And we both read. A lot. (Yes, I should have married him, but I was young and stupid.)
Why am I telling you this? Well, a couple of reasons, I guess. One, if you are reading this, you are slowly getting to know me a little more every day, and anyone that knows me should know about the book obsession, since it is so much a part of who I am, and I may rant and rave about books or certain authors that piss me off (GRRM, lookin’ at you!), so you should be prepared for that. Two, if you are a super-hot book-reading sex-god with a nice ass and you like chubby, nerdy, bookish girls (what? it could happen!), hit me up, yo.
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