Blah. Blah. Blah.
There really is no point to tonight's blog. I haven't posted in a while because I am writing a novel. Seriously. A big, huge, fat, book-type-thing.
Aside from that, I miss writing here. Partially, because I love seeing how many of you guys read this and I love the comments and the PMs I get (although the comments and messages would be better served if you posted them, yo.)
I have been really angry lately, and have avoided writing here because I want 'here' to be about the funny.
I am angry because I have been watching the news, and may I TELL you, I am so fucking sick of hearing about police officers gunning down unarmed citizens? I come from a military background, and I married into a law enforcement family. I GET why people become police officers. I do. But why the fuck don't they just taze and mace people...maybe smack them in the kneecaps with their sticks? How the fuck is it even rational that a gun with bullets is the first option? Seriously. You bust a fool across the nose or throat, his thieving ass won't run away. And you won't be on trial for murder. And then the "protests" (i.e., riots by a bunch of uneducated jobless dicks that would send MLK spinning in his FUCKING GRAVE) would not be happening. Just my 5 cents, yo.
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THIS is what I want police to be like..... |
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Or this...I'm not picky. PS - I just may need to be taken downtown, Officer. In handcuffs. |
Also angry because sometimes I just get SO DAMN TIRED of belonging to my family. Literally. In the last 2 weeks, the following has happened in my family----lies, destruction of property, breach of contract, stabbing someone with a PITCHFORK, conniving, drunkenness, drug-dealing, and a pepper-spray incident. For reals. All I want to do is make sure the children in our family are raised right, treated well, and taught how to function as adults....but the so-called 'adults' in my family can't see past their own craziness, so the kids are put in the background while the adults make Honey Boo Boo and Mama June look like the QUEEN OF FUCKING ENGLAND. Seriously. I just want to resign......move to Boston under an assumed name, and spend my life taking Lexi----I mean Gisele (her alternate-universe name)----to Red Sox games.
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*sigh* |
All this turmoil has me writing like book is flying along. The crazy thing about long-arc narratives is that these people suddenly take on lives of their own, and I am trying to figure out how to bridge the gap between where I planned them to end up and where they are ending up on their's frustrating.
Also, I am having some major issues in my personal life since about 40% of my exes--all of whom are married or in long-term relationships---have been hitting me up for some sex.....Flattered or offended?? I can't decide. 2 of my exes are, like, my super duper BFF's. Jimbo and That Fuckin Mooley are just friends....but a ton of other 'kicked dicks' are asking to hook up. Not gonna happen, of course, but I have to wonder.....what is up with that? Why am I being singled out for some major soul-sapping sex-with-the-ex suggestion?s Not gonna lie... I have been sorely tempted----I have been celibate so long, I am pretty sure I have re-grown a Super-Hymen with a cape, tights, and a Kevlar vest. But, no. Not. Gonna. Happen.
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Smile, fuckers, you are on TV!! |
Speaking of TV, Game of Thrones is back on TV, and I have to wait until my buddy Webster can come over to watch it with me.....a vow is a vow (AHEM. Yes, you.), but that hasn't stopped me from doing Google checks for spoilers and predictions and fan theories. Gettin' my geek on, allllll day, err day.
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THIS guy...... |
Today marks a very sucky 'anniversary' of sorts.....if you read this blog post, you know that I lost a part of my soul 23 years ago today. I aways think about what could have happened if the accident had not. Where would she be, how many kids would she have, where would we fit in each others' lives......What. If........
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3 Jaguars..... |
I don't know, although I occasionally dream about it. I am trying to write about her, trying to give her a story and a life - eventually I will get it right, and hopefully you will all read it and maybe I will be at peace with it. The universe fucked THAT call up BIG TIME, so who is to say I can't do better?
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Shine on, SES!! |
I am so fat right now, you is awful. But, if you ever drank a 6-pack of 21st Amendment beer.....well, you would know why. Oh, also because of enchiladas.
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Heeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy! |
Just saying.
This is kind of a weird topic, no linear narrative, and no Ryan Gosling. Wait, what?
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Oh yeah, I smell awesomeness!!! |
Okay, that's a little better.
Good night, guys. Give hugs to people you should hug, cut devious scandalous-ass motherfuckers out of your lives, and above all.....practice good manners. SERIOUSLY. Manners matter.
'Night. Love you Sara, Nicole, and Naiche. Ties that bind, kids....Ties. That. Bind.
Wow Mary I hope things get better and I'll be sire to back off a lil on the 3rd grade name calling. Cheers and chimmiechongas
You had me at PITCHFORK. ..
We might be related ;)
Big giant hug sent your way!! 😘
I get the whole frustration with police trigger fingers but I also can't imagine being in a position in which I may get shot at any moment simply for wearing the uniform. I think the country has lost respect for and an appreciation of the job they chose to have. That lack of respect and appreciation translates to less quality in the service and more fear and more chance that bad things happen. Sad. Wish I knew how to turn that around.
On the exs, that seems to happen in cycles. It is like suddenly, some message gets out saying 'hey, time to pick up on the unavailable single gal who would present no strings and will probably turn me down but just the asking and approaching feels good though I am not single to be doing such'.
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