Sunday, May 23, 2021

Heat Waves

I am back on Song Titles as Blog Titles because movie titles don't do the trick. 🤷

Soooo, I have very clearly detailed all of my awful "dating-app first dates".

So many so, that I have had a few of you ask me if I am ok.

The answer to that is YES.


Yes, yes, YES.

I didn't go on Tinder to find a husband, a boyfriend, or anything other than...


Plainly put, I went on Tinder to find a FWB that would not cause me to lose any more friends because it sucks to have to end friendships because too many lines were crossed.

Far better to make new friends with the express purpose of...benefits with no strings, yeah?

YAWL...In spite of all of my previous "swing and a miss" stories...

I hit the jackpot.


Stacks on stacks

I know I have previously detailed my atrocious first dates and bad matches, and it makes for great comedy.

I like it when things are funny.

Funny takes feelings out of the equation.

I can do funny allllll day long.



Not so much.

So, when I have a Tinder experience that is gorgeous and fun and alllllll the things everyone on Tinder that doesn't want to get married (NO MARRIAGE!, as gorgeous G once wrote me when I asked what his Tinder goals were-more on him next week), I don't want to share it because I am better talking about my disasters than my success.

However, "M" needs to be celebrated, just so you singletons can grok that - every once in a while - you can hit 'pay dirt' on a dating app.

I already disclosed that I quit Tinder and have 3 humans I still talk to.

2 of them are really fun to chat with and we talk about all sorts of wild, improbable things that will, most likely, have no bearing on any of our real lives.

The third..."M".

Oh, boy.

Tinder opened my eyes about a lot of things.

Everyone lies about their height, weight, and hair follicles.

Everyone eats ass.  (I know, I know...*CRINGE*)  This has to be said, though, because it comes up alllllll the time and is part of the reason I dipped out on that app.

Like, WHAT????

Also, everyone is ENM.


I learned that phrase in December.

It means, "Ethically Non-Monogamous".

To me, in my rather adventurous 20's, that just meant sleeping with anyone you fancied and calling it 'just for fun'.

Or, "I like that you bleached your hair so you look like a Wal-Mart Eminem, so Imma bone you but also never call you again."

These dudes are the same when wearing beer goggles. JS.

Nowadays, it means that you have multiple relationships that have nothing to do with the others, but it is done very respectfully in terms of emotions, safety, and boundaries.

I ignored all ENM people until, in March of this year, then I met 2 people that interested me to the point that I swiped the good way, in spite of the ENM tag.

Guy 1 was adorable, sweet, and funny.  Unfortunately, he bore such an uncanny resemblance to the love of my life, that I had to explain my problem and delete him.  I mean...If I can't have my LD, why would I ever settle for a pale imitation?  Nope!

Guy 2 was "M".  Gorgeous, funny, sardonic, and actually used the word 'sapiosexual' in his profile.


We messaged and then texted and talked and talked.

We decided to meet on a Wednesday at 7.  After a very adorable day-of-the-month mix-up, of course, because I can't have nice fucking things - right? - we met up.

It was one of the first gorgeous Springtime PNW evenings.  Sunset, soft air, birds, etc.

We meet at the cutest bar in NoPo.

There was banter, and laughing, and pool, and craft cocktails.  

Hot bartender that recommended the best pizza anyone ate in April 2021, and she was hyper-vigilant about masks, so I wanted to marry her in spite of my not being a lesbian.


There was kissing and hand-holding and some earlobe interaction...  I mean, that kind of thing can happen to anyone, anywhere, yeah?

Also, there was an epic goodbye kiss that lasted for about 200 years - or 20 minutes - they can sometimes feel the same.

Literally the best first date with a stranger that anyone ever had on the planet.

Like, I got home and IMMEDIATELY messaged him. 

 I never do that.

Not because I play it if!!  Have you even met me??

Simply because I just don't ever do all the things that make dating NOT awkward if given the chance.

In fact...

The opposite.

However...this time?

I went to bed buzzy and kind of goofy, and I made sure he knew about it.  He was super appropriate and - dare I say it? - sweet and very into the whole vibe.

It was quite swoony to be honest.

There is no way I can caption this without making it a cringe-fest, so let's just not say a f*cking thing.  The sentiment was real AF tho!

Like, SWOON, swoony.

Work happened, life happened, and then we decided to meet on another Wednesday at 7:00 a few weeks later.

Second verse, same as the first.

Kisses, laughing, hand-holding, and allllllll the talking and laughing and kissing and just having the best second date ever.

At this point, I am kind of wondering when the other shoe is going to drop..

Like,  I could meet this dude at NoPo bars and kiss him on patios and have drinks and burgers and fries and pizza forever and never even try to do any single thing besides those things forever and it would be great.


I mean, it's ME, so you know it just doesn't go that smoothly, DUH!!!

Date #3.  Another Wednesday at 7.

PNW Spring night.  Kissing, hand-holding, walking, talking...Listening to French music al fresco.

Lots of talking.

Like, allllllll the talking.

We get on a subject that makes me SUPER sad and also uncomfortable.


I sort of  try to convey my discomfort without taking up too much space because I always try to do that when I feel weird.  Like, I get as small as possible.

I make a joke that allows the uncomfortable talk to continue..  Like, I was being sarcastic, but the tone wasn't right, so it sounded like I wanted the convo to continue...

Finally, after misreading each other's tone and body language for about 10 minutes,  I...


I left.

He was being a gentleman and walked me outside.

Not knowing that I had locked the door behind me.


This is not a bad first date story, people.

We are on date THREE and I locked dude out of his own house at 9:00 at night.


Anyway, owing to a well-placed unlocked window, he got into his house and I got home without spontaneously combusting with shame - it was a very near thing  -and we had a conversation and all was well and we decided we would hang out as soon as I got home from my EPIC ROAD TRIP (tomorrow), so all was good and he even fielded a very drunk phone call while I was on my trip with admirable aplomb.  [I am not unaware of the length of that sentence. If you have ever heard me talk, you get it.]

When I got home, we talked a bit, but something came up on my end, so Date #4 on a Wednesday at 7 was postponed -- I mean, like, is that even surprising??

So Date #4 is Monday.

How do I feel about this?

Like, this dude makes me allllllllllllll kinds of swoony.

He is funny, well-read, articulate, definitely not trying to push past my boundaries.

I don't have time or space for a dude in my life.

He doesn't have time or space for a Mary in his life.

Like, this is perfect, yeah?

Annnnd, now I am so effing nervous about this next date that I can't even think about what I am wearing or how I am going to act or anything.

Like, he isn't my boyfriend, he is just my new friend.

We aren't exclusive, rather we are very inclusive of his person and any person that I choose as my person.  And I very definitely have 2 persons in the queue.

Like, he isn't some rando I met at a bar or a sporting event (hello, COVID!) or a hot but inappropriate Uber driver - ya'll won't EVER get that one out of me!

This is a real human that I have real feelings about that has a real partner that is not me and I am supposed to be super blasé about all of this and just keep moving forward because this is what we do, right?  I mean, I am fine with all of it, but I am also feeling very weird about the fact that I am fine with that.

ANYWAY, this was supposed to be a story about how Tinder isn't total trash, about how you can actually get exactly what you are looking for if you release all interest in outcomes, about how sometimes the most random interactions can turn out to be so not-random, but I think I got sidetracked.

I do that.

A lot.

Story of my life, and exactly how I ended up right here.

Okay, so not EVERYTHING we want, but close enough!

Saturday, May 1, 2021

50 First Dates


I have been using song titles as blog titles this year.

I'm switching to movie titles now.

50 first dates???

Naw, man.


I feel like the girl in this picture is trying to find ways to make things more awkward.  Or maybe that's just  me.

I just decided I am the Worst First Date Ever.

Like, I already talked about how shitty Tinder people are for lying and using old pics and being bald - not that there is anything wrong with that - or saying raccoons are gross.

But, nevertheless, I persisted...

And it was still almost utter shit.

So, I retired from Tinder.

I've retired from online dating forever, actually.  I mean, I wasn't even trying to date in the first place, but I managed to make my life super weird anyway.  So that's it.  Towel thrown in.  White flag waved.

Here is how my "dates" - although I prefer to call them 'meetings' - have gone in the last month:

#1.  Dude is hot AF.

-Homicide, with an actual corpse.

-Day drinking.


-Public intoxication.


-Attempted fornication.

#2. Dude is an artist.

-Also a retired porn actor.

-Literally asked to say "Daddy".

-Penis was offered to me as a "porn star dick".

-There was an anaconda..

-A goodbye pat on the leg accidentally turned into a ball-smack, so there was some human doubled over in pain as I, literally,  ran for my car.

#3. Funny, smart, educated, package of YUM.

-Pastoral, cinematic location with cows(!!) and a sunset, at a place called "Raccoon Point"


-I cannot stress this enough...TICKS.


-Like, pulled a tick off the back of my neck, grabbed one that was STROLLING DOWN MY FACE, and found another in my hair.  TICKS.

-I literally had to message him after on Insta and be, like, 'Yo, check yourself for ticks, man'

-Also, there were no raccoons.

If you name a place "Raccoon Point", I expect to see this when I get there.

I have officially retired from Tinder, ya'll.


Like, I didn't even call these 'meetings' "dates", but...

I'm SO done with online dating!  I am SERIOUSLY destined to be a spinster and that weird Aunt that shows up at birthday parties and weddings with her Greek pool boy in tow with way too much eyeliner and an inappropriately short skirt.

I am fine with that.

Like, I love The Odyssey, and I can get you a Green Card, so let's get shit poppin', Demitrious!

I am currently still talking to 4 dudes off Tinder, and I think that's enough right now.

3 I have met in person.  1 of whom is the best first meeting/date anyone had in the history of ever (he deserves his own entire blog post, so I won't mention him here when I am talking about train wrecks!)

1 I'm supposed to meet up with after my Epic Road Trip; I am sure I will find a way to make that awkward AF, and I am looking forward to the aftermath almost more than the actual meeting. 

0 are liars, fake, or not down to start a Raccoon Army.

But my Tinder profile is gone forever and I am sooooooo happy about it.

So, even though I feel like my Tinder experiment was mostly shit, I might have got exactly what I was looking for.

Which is absolutely nothing because the world is trash and we're all gonna die.

Also, this.

I'm just going to stay home and look at pictures of this guy forever.

Sad But True

So, I’ve been reading Stephen King’s 11/23/63 novel the last few days, and I cannot help feeling personally attacked tonight by it. The book...